



1.1.普感 = 普遍性感冒=潜伏在人体呼吸道黏膜上的病原体+适当的湿度和温度=呼吸道普遍感染;

1.2.流感 = 曾有人怀疑新冠病毒感染会“人传人”, 但至今还没有找到确切的理论基础和实践证据;

1.3.新冠疫情 = 普遍感冒 + 人民内心的畏惧 + 恐慌;

1.4.肺痉挛 = 普感引发的肺部闷烦、咳嗽、呼吸道黏膜抽筋还伴随有心肌炎等并发症。


2.1.七言律诗一 疫情揭秘(抗击类似COVID-19疫情32年的最新发现)



2.2.七言律诗二 疫情消灭(抗击类似新冠疫情32年成功经验的总结)




上图中黑色粗框架代表林章建发明的“林氏6床棉被试验柜”,是一种两层的研究试验柜,其上下左右是互相通气的,没有封闭式的隔离;实验柜共存放6床棉被 ,其中有3床“A”是“长期使用且从来没有被清洗和太阳晒的棉被”,另3床“B”是“长期使用但已清洗晒干后存储的棉被”;6床棉被上下左右都靠得很近但都不互相接触;实验柜的前后没有门,与大气相通。



林氏实验柜中的棉被发霉 = 人体呼吸道黏膜发霉 = 大量的病原体潜伏在呼吸道黏膜上 = 白肺 = 大量的病原体覆盖在呼吸道黏膜上阻断了人体的呼吸通道 = 插氧气管与口服任何口服药和注射任何针剂都无效。白肺病人在临死前大多会呼叫“医生快救我!” 众多医生听到求救声也束手无策,只能眼睁睁地看着白肺病人窒息死亡。






扑灭疫情,就好像是用灭火筒扑灭烈火。如果灭火筒里装的是灭火剂,那么烈火很快就会被扑灭。如果灭火筒里面装的是助燃剂,那么烈火就会越扑越旺盛;“五串排毒法”不是要求对疫情的管制全面“放开”,不是主张“躺平”或与病毒“共存”。因为“放开”、“躺平”和“共存”只能短暂解决眼前的困境, 而不能快速彻底消灭疫情,只是“没有找到疫情爆发的根源、无法对症下药扑灭疫情的权宜之计”,不是找到了扑灭疫情的有效办法,更不是保证疫情永久不会“卷土重来”肆虐全人类的有效方法。“五串排毒法” 是找到了爆发疫情的真正原因和能够扑灭疫情的有效办法,对症下药,斩草除根, 保证能做到:世界各国在实施“五串排毒法”处方后三天内可将世界各国的疫情全面、彻底扑灭,不会留下任何后遗症,还能保证今后人类不会再度爆发此类疫情!

首先用“药气内疗法”消灭潜伏在呼吸道黏膜上的病原体;然后用“贴涂拍打法”消除“肺痉挛”;还既要用“漱口水” 清漱咽喉和清洗鼻腔;更要增强自己一定能战胜病魔的意志(人的意志就是免疫力的战斗力),还要对夸张病毒威力的所谓专家“嗤之以鼻”,避免自我畏惧和恐慌而百病骤生。“五串排毒法”可以收到立竿见影、药到病除的效果,可以快速、彻底扑灭世界各国的COVID-19疫情。




1 “五串排毒法”可以把工作、休息和治疗、康复相融合,不会耽误任何工作。每个患者的医疗康复费在 0.1--30 美元之间(98%以上的患者治疗和康复费用不超过 0.1 美元);康复的时间在 15分钟—3天之间(98%以上的患者治疗和康复时间不超过 15分钟)。 ②患者康复后没有任何副作用和后遗症。③能够防止一年四季的流感漫延成为疫情。④不需要强迫患者口服任何药物(治疗病情并发症的药物不视为抗疫药物的范畴)。⑤不需要强迫患者注射任何针剂。⑥不需要强迫广大人民大众(特别是老年人)接种任何疫苗。⑦不需要强迫广大人民大众佩戴口罩。因为爆发“普遍感冒”的是潜伏在呼吸道黏膜上高速滋生的大量病原体,是在人体的内部,而不是从体外新入侵的小量病原体。所以全民戴口罩会把呼出的病原体重复吸入体内,对全面、快速扑灭新冠疫情有反效果。⑧不需要强迫实施任何形式隔离和区域性封控。⑨采用“五串排毒法”能收到立竿见影、药到病除的治疗和康复效果。不会给人民大众的生产生活带来不便,也不会对人民大众造成恐慌。⑩不会破坏社会生产力,不会给旅游娱乐行业以及各行各业造成损失,不会阻碍各行各业的健康发展,世界各国的贸易和友好往来可以马上得到恢复。“五串排毒法”若不能扑灭世界各国的疫情,发明人不但“分文不取”,而且愿受军法处置。


1 能够降低各种疾病的发生率、缩短病愈期,因而能大幅提高人类的平均寿命;②能破解人类医学史上的一块大误区,填补世界抗疫方法的一项大空白;③能彻底揭示人类发展史上同类疫情爆发和漫延的根本原因,改写人类扑灭疫情的基础理论;④“五串排毒法”是中国人民领先世界的重大发现和发明,是发明人 30 多年呕心沥血的研究结果,能对全人类的“健康”和“发展”做出重大贡献;⑤能快速、全面、彻底扑灭世界各国的疫情,造福世界各国人民;⑥利在当代、功盖千秋!


“五串排毒法” 的发明人林章建作为“五串排毒法”的代言人。代言人有权在全面听取发明人详细汇报后再做出是否愿意担任“五串排毒法”代言人的决定。


在世界各国的疫情被完全扑灭以后,由世界各国按本国的人头数量向 “五串排毒法”发明人支付 “专有技术公开转让费”。

“五串排毒法”的发明人建议: “五串排毒法” 公开转让的收费标准设定在:每个国家每个公民 10 美元(至)100 美元之间。富裕国家的人均转让费向高端靠近,贫穷国家的人均转让费向低端靠近。具体每人应支付的价格以世界各国根据本国的经济实力自报为基础,再由联合国加以力所能及的调节。“五串排毒法”的发明人承诺:本发明成功公开转让而获得的一切技术转让费,将 100%用于公益事业,包括:向世界领袖和人民颁发“促进世界和平昌盛奖”、“拯救人类苦难奖”、“扑灭呼吸道疫情奖”,以及向世界各国投资发展免费教育、免费医疗、免费法律诉讼和战后国建设援助等慈善壮举的奖金;





诚恳邀请抽出十分钟的时间,亲自听取发明人简要汇报32年的成功抗疫实践的经典总结,然后再决定是否亲自召集并主持“权威专家审评认定”,等待被召集的专家鉴定报告出台后,再决定是否愿意荣膺“重大科研成果公开转让代言人”的历史重任。因为 “有资质审评本发明的专业医疗机构和专家”可以轻而易举地把“五串排毒法”说成一文不值而无止境地拖延审评认证,然后用自己改头换面的方法,易如反掌地窃走了“五串排毒法”发明人 30 多年呕心沥血的重大科研成果。所以本论文不能完全依赖专业医疗机构和专家审评而赋予实施,而更应该依靠亲自深入了解中国人民的重大发明后组织专家和权威进行审评。







林章建 (签章)




2023 年 1 月8 日

LAM, CHEONG KIN has found the cause of the COVID-19 outbreak and a quick cure


"The global village" has a name called "right man" big brother, his son in the river playing, carelessly fell into the river, when the rescue has been dying, "right man" see urgent crying, a middle-aged man rushed forward, was about to give the child cardiopulmonary resuscitation, then a suit wearing glasses of experts said: "Wait, do you have a medical qualification certificate? "The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "No", the expert said seriously: "No qualification certificate, you save people is a violation of the law".The middle-aged man had no choice but to step aside.But saving a person is like fighting a fire, and time goes by minute by minute."Right human" big brother kneeling on the ground a strong pleas for help, then a middle-aged woman came over, without a word to save people.The expert still couldn't bear to say: "Do you have a medical certificate?It is illegal to save people without qualification certificate "!Not waiting for the woman to answer, "human rights" big brother kicked the expert down, loudly said to the woman: "you just save people, out of the problem I will bear."After three minutes of rescue, the child was saved, and the expert wanted to slip away."Right human" big brother roared a roar: "Today fortunately the child is OK, otherwise have to pick your skin, pull your tendon".The expert was so scared that his feet slipped and fell into the river.Desperately shouted: "Help!"Just now that middle-aged man and middle-aged woman all shout in chorus to the expert: "EXPERT ah, we want to save you very much, but I don't have a medical qualification certificate."

The COVID-19 epidemic ravages all human beings, just like the children of people all over the world who fall into a river and need emergency rescue.LAM, CHEONG KIN newly invented "five series detoxification method" is like the knowledge and skills that middle-aged men and middle-aged women already have, and they are about to save the children of human beings, but the experts in suits and glasses try their best to prevent them from being rescued.At this time, the father of the child, the big brother of "human rights" (the supreme leader of all countries and the government under the leadership of all countries), was urgently needed to kick the experts down and say loudly to the rescuer: "Putting out the COVID-19 epidemic in all countries around the world is the most important thing related to the well-being of all mankind, and all countries in the world should introduce legislation to reward emergency rescue behavior as soon as possible."Otherwise, middle-aged men and middle-aged women have no right to save the children of "human rights".

1.Four old terms with new definitions

1.1. General infection = common cold = lurking pathogens on the human respiratory mucosa + appropriate humidity and temperature = general infection of the respiratory tract;

1.2. Influenza = It has been suspected that SARS-CoV-2 infection can be transmitted from person to person, but no exact theoretical basis and practical evidence has been found so far;

1.3. COVID-19 = common cold + fear + panic;

1.4. Pulmonary spasm = pulmonary distress, cough, respiratory mucosal cramps caused by general feeling, accompanied by complications such as myocarditis.

2.Two seven-word rhymes

2.1. The Secrets of the Epidemic (the latest finding in 32 years of fighting COVID-19-like outbreaks)

The pathological cause was misjudged, the common pneumonia was mistaken for influenza, the power of the virus was exaggerated, and it was suspected that someone had transmitted the virus. Misjudged that they are infected, the fear of the brain sudden, the nerve center is spasm, and all diseases gather because of panic!

2.2. The eradication of the epidemic (A summary of 32 years of successful experience in fighting against similar COVID-19 epidemics)

The Yang of a cold is normal, and the main symptom is pulmonary spasm. There is only one prescription for the five strings of detoxification, and the medicine is very simple to eliminate.

For the country, the people and the health, the transfer of proprietary technology, the benefit of mankind depends on the Party, the epidemic will not return!

3.Lin's six-bed quilt test cabinet (Research and practice on the basic theory that common cold will not be Transmitted from person to person)

The thick black frame in the picture above represents the "Lin's six-bed quilt test cabinet" invented by LAM, CHEONG KIN. It is a two-layer research test cabinet, which is ventilated to each other from top to bottom, and there is no closed isolation.A total of 6 quilts are stored in the experimental cabinet, of which 3 "A" are "quilts that have been used for a long time and have never been cleaned and exposed to the sun";The other 3 beds "B" are "quilts that have been used for a long time but have been cleaned and stored after drying".6 quilts are close to each other but do not touch each other. There is no door at the front and back of the experimental cabinet, which is communicated with the atmosphere.

The phenomenon found in the study experiment: in the non-moldy and rainy season, all six quilts did not become moldy.In the moldy and rainy season, three "A" quilts that had been used for a long time and had never been washed and exposed to the sun all became moldy;However, 3 beds used for a long time but have been cleaned and dried after storage "B" quilt will not mold.This test shows that the non-moldy "B" quilt is not afraid of mold infection of the moldy "A" quilt because: the non-moldy "B" quilt does not have the "two elements of object surface moldy" : the surface of the material is adhering to the moldy material (element 1) and the temperature and humidity that can make the adhesion material moldy (element 2).

According to the common sense of respiratory anatomy, the surface of the respiratory mucosa of each adult is about 80-120 square meters, so 6 quilts are like the mucosa of the respiratory tract of 6 adults, which can incubate a large number of pathogens for a long time.

The mildew of cotton quilt in Lin's experimental cabinet = the mildew of human respiratory mucosa = a large number of pathogens lurking on the respiratory mucosa = white lung = a large number of pathogens covering the respiratory mucosa blocking the human breathing channel = oxygen tube insertion and oral administration of any oral medicine and injection of any injection are ineffective.White lung patients will call "doctor help me quickly!" before dying. Many doctors could not do anything when they heard the cry for help, and could only watch the white lung patients suffocate and die.

4.The cause of a cold outbreak in the body

Because humans are the king of all things, their immunity is also the king of all things.Therefore, foreign pathogens that invade the respiratory tract directly into the blood, because the number is relatively small, will be swallowed by immune cells in the blood of the human body and will not produce cold symptoms or the phenomenon of cold symptoms without treatment.This is the most basic condition for nature to choose human beings to live on the earth, otherwise, human beings would have been eliminated by nature.

The pathogens lurking on the surface of the respiratory tract have not yet entered the blood (element 1), combined with the appropriate temperature and humidity (element 2), will quickly breed a large number of pathogens (hundreds of millions), which will cause the surface of the respiratory mucosa to become mildew and white lung (mildew material) to appear, covering the surface of the respiratory mucosa, and the following two situations will inevitably occur: One is that a large number of pathogens in the white lung invade the human blood, so that the body's immunity is temporarily difficult to resist a large number of pathogens and a common cold occurs (humans have invented a large number of drug prescriptions to cure the common cold, this article will not be repeated);The other is that a large number of pathogens in the white lung block the ventilation holes of the respiratory mucosa.At this time, any injection, oral medicine, vaccine, oxygen tube insertion is invalid, because the moldy pathogen is still attached to the surface of the respiratory mucosa, has not entered the blood circulation of the human body, and any injection, oral medicine, vaccine must rely on the blood circulation of the human body to achieve the goal of treatment.

If there is no latent pathogen on the respiratory mucosa of a healthy person (element 1), or if the pathogen does not encounter the appropriate temperature and humidity (element 2), a healthy person will not be infected by close contact with patients with a cold.That is to say: the common cold will not appear "human-to-human" phenomenon. According to the conclusion of the "Lin's 6 quilt test chest" research experiment, during the period of common cold, forcing the public to wear masks in public places, tracing the source of positive patients tested for nucleic acid and isolating them, and adopting regional (or national) lockdown and control decisions are "less advantages and more disadvantages", which can not quickly eliminate the epidemic, but will also comprehensively aggravate the epidemic. Or it can be metaphorically said that "these wrong anti-epidemic methods are filled with accelerants in the

anti-epidemic fire extinguishers", which will exacerbate the fear and panic of the people, burn the spark into a sea of fire, and quickly exacerbate the epidemic in all countries in the world.

5.On the implementation of the "five-string detoxification law"

Putting out an epidemic is like putting out a burning fire with a fire extinguisher.If the fire extinguishers were filled with fire extinguishing agents, the fire would be put out quickly.If the fire extinguisher is filled with accelerant, the fire will be more and more vigorous; The "five strings Detoxification Law" does not require the country to fully "loosen" the control of the epidemic, nor does it advocate "lying down" or "coexisting" with the virus.This is because "opening up", "lying down" and "co-existence" can only solve the current dilemma for a short time (the country and the people cannot afford the financial expenditure that the more the epidemic is fighting, the more serious the epidemic is), but cannot quickly and completely eradicate the epidemic.This is only a "stopgap measure that fails to find the root cause of the outbreak and fails to put out the epidemic with the right treatment", not an effective way to put out the epidemic, let alone an effective way to ensure that the epidemic will never "come back" and ravage all mankind.The "five strings of detoxification Method" is to find the real cause of the outbreak and an effective way to put out the epidemic, and to ensure that the world can achieve: countries in the world within three days after the implementation of the prescription of the "five strings of detoxification method", the epidemic can be completely and completely eradicated, leaving no sequelae, and ensuring that such epidemics will not occur again in the future.

Firstly, the pathogens lurking in the respiratory mucosa were eliminated by the "medicine gas internal therapy".Then the "pasting and patting method" was used to eliminate the "lung spasm".Also use "mouthwash" to rinse your throat and nose;More to enhance their will to overcome the disease (people's will is the fighting force of immunity), but also to exaggerate the power of the virus, the so-called experts "despise", to avoid self-fear and panic and sudden onset of disease.The "five strings of detoxification method" can have an immediate effect and cure the disease, which can quickly and completely extinguish the COVID-19 epidemic in all countries in the world.

According to the research on disease psychology, under normal circumstances, each person's systemic immunity and pathogens have multiple battlefields in which they fight against each other, and the immunity of each battlefield can make the human body grow healthfully because of the slight victory.However, once the central nervous system of healthy people has fear and panic about the contagiousness of the cold virus, they are afraid that they may be infected by a very severe influenza virus, their whole body will shiver (a sharp decline in immunity), and multiple battleareas where the systemic immunity and pathogens fight each other will "reverse the situation of victory or defeat", and a variety of diseases will be entangled at the same time. At the same time, it attacks the human nerve center, so it causes a "sudden onset of all kinds of diseases" in healthy people.But in fact, anyone who has a cold has no ability to change the two basic elements of a healthy person's cold (elements 1 and 2 mentioned above), but the fear and panic of healthy people's own thinking quickly reduces their immunity in various fields, causing a "sudden onset of all diseases" and exacerbating the epidemic.

To sum up, "misjudgment of the pathological etiology of cold" and "exaggerated propaganda of virus infection" will make each human body immune fear and panic to pathogens, will greatly reduce the combat ability of human immunity against pathogens, will allow pathogens to overcome human immunity in various battlefields, will make a variety of diseases at the same time, will make many healthy people suddenly ill, It will aggravate the respiratory epidemic in all countries of the world and cannot be cleaned up.Therefore, it should be strictly prohibited in the laws and systems of countries in the world to fight against the epidemic, and no one is allowed to exaggerate the infection of the cold virus in various media with any excuse.Otherwise, it should be regarded as "deliberately creating an epidemic for all mankind" and punished severely.

6.On the advantages of using the "five strings of detoxification method" to put out the epidemic

① The "five-string detoxification method" can integrate work, rest, treatment and rehabilitation without delaying any work.The medical rehabilitation cost of each patient is between 0.1 and 30 US dollars ( more than 98% of the patients' treatment and rehabilitation costs do not exceed 0.1 US dollars );The duration of rehabilitation ranged from 15 minutes to 3 days (more than 98% of patients did not exceed 15 minutes of treatment and rehabilitation). ② The patient recovered without any side effects and sequelae.③ It can prevent the spread of influenza in the four seasons from becoming an epidemic.④ It is not necessary to force patients to take any drugs orally (drugs to treat complications of the disease are not considered as anti-epidemic drugs).⑤ There is no need to force the patient to take any injections.⑥ There is no need to force the general public (especially the elderly) to vaccinate any vaccine.⑦ There is no need to force the general public to wear masks.Because the outbreak of "common cold" is the rapid growth of a large number of pathogens lurking in the respiratory mucosa, is inside the body, rather than from the outside of the new invasion of a small number of pathogens.Therefore, wearing masks will re-inhale the exhaled pathogens into the body, which is counterproductive to the comprehensive and rapid eradication of the COVID-19 epidemic.(8) There is no need to enforce any form of quarantine or regional lockdown.⑨ The "five-string detoxification method" can achieve immediate results and cure the disease with effective treatment and rehabilitation.It will not bring inconvenience to the production and life of the people, nor will it cause panic to the people.⑩ It will not destroy the social productive forces, cause losses to the tourism and entertainment industry and all walks of life, and will not hinder the healthy development of all walks of life. Trade and friendly exchanges among countries around the world will be restored immediately.If the "Five Strings of Detoxification Law" fails to put an end to the epidemic in all countries, the inventor will not only receive nothing, but also be willing to be dealt with by military law.

7.On the importance of using the "five-string Detoxification Method" to combat the epidemic for human health and development

① It can reduce the incidence of various diseases and shorten the recovery period, so it can greatly increase the average life span of human beings.② It can solve a big misunderstanding in the history of human medicine and fill a big gap in the world's anti-epidemic methods.(3) It can thoroughly reveal the fundamental causes of the outbreak and spread of similar epidemics in the history of human development, and rewrite the basic theory of human eradication of epidemics.④ The "Five-string detoxification method" is a major discovery and invention of the Chinese people leading the world. It is the result of more than 30 years of painstelling research by the inventor, and it can make a significant contribution to the "health" and "development" of all mankind.(5) It can quickly, comprehensively and completely put out the epidemic in all countries and benefit people around the world.⑥ Benefit the present and benefit the future!

8.The responsibilities and obligations of the spokesmen of the "Five Strings Detoxification Law" and their public transfer methods

LAM, CHEONG KIN, the inventor of the "five-string Detoxification Law," recommended a member of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the spokesperson of the "Five-string Detoxification Law."The spokesperson has the right to make a decision on whether he is willing to serve as the spokesperson of the "Five Strings Detoxification Method" after hearing a detailed report from the inventor.

The responsibilities and obligations of the spokesperson are: personally convene and preside over the "most qualified professional medical institutions and the most authoritative experts" and the "Medal of the People's Republic of China" winners to conduct a strict review and identification meeting on the "five strings Detoxification Law";According to the results of the meeting, it will be decided whether to recommend the use of the "five-string detoxification method" to all countries in the world. After the epidemic has been completely extinguished in all countries in the world, all countries in the world pay the "public transfer fee of proprietary technology" to the inventor of the "Five-string Detoxification Method" according to the number of heads in their countries.

The inventors of the "Five Strings" suggest that the public transfer of the "Five strings" should cost between $10 (and) $100 per citizen per country.The transfer fee per capita in rich countries moves toward the high end, and the transfer fee per capita in poor countries moves toward the low end.The specific price that each person should pay is based on the self-reporting of the countries in the world according to their own economic strength, and then adjusted by the United Nations.

The inventor of the "Five Series detovirus Method" promises that 100% of all technology transfer fees obtained from the successful public transfer of the invention will be used for public welfare, including: "Promoting world peace and prosperity Award", "Saving human suffering Award", "extinguding respiratory Epidemic award" to world leaders and people. And to invest in the development of free education, free medical care, free legal proceedings and post-war country construction assistance and other charitable fests in the world;

The inventor of the "Five Strings of Detoxification Method" completely obeys the arrangement of the "spokesperson" and publicly reports the basic theory and detailed operation method of the five strings of detoxification method to the world's media at one time.After countries around the world fully implement the "five strings of detoxification law" to fight against the epidemic, the epidemic will be extinguished within three days, and the human race will never have similar outbreaks again!

9.Truth enlighten and promote

In the unprecedented battle between mankind and the virus, authoritative doctors directing the fight against the epidemic in various countries around the world are "crossing the river by feeling the stones";Only LAM, CHEONG KIN, who had personally experienced the successful practice of fighting against the epidemic(in fact, the epidemic coexists with the history of human existence, but has not been recognized by experts) and had risen to the classic theory, dared to reveal the truth of fighting against the epidemic without fear of risk (the successful conclusion was obtained through repeated research and experiments), and dared to openly correct the decision-making mistakes of authoritative doctors with the truth.Supporting the disclosure and enlightenment of truth is a powerful driving force to promote the rapid development of human health.

In the history of the development of traditional Chinese medicine, Li Shizheng's medical theory came from his successful practice, which was a valuable treasure for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the Chinese people.LAM, CHEONG KIN The experimental conclusion of six quilt test cabinets" and "the five string detoxification method" will become a glorious chapter in the history of the development of human health.

Then determine whether the seventh Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee is willing to be awarded the historic task of "spokesperson for the public transfer of major scientific research achievements".Because the "professional medical institutions and experts qualified to evaluate the invention" can easily say that the "five-string detoxification method" is worthless and endlessly delay the evaluation and certification, and then use their own reinvented method, it is easy to steal the "five-string detoxification method" inventor more than 30 years of painsttful major scientific research results. Therefore, this paper should not rely entirely on professional medical institutions and expert reviews for implementation, but should rely on the CPC Central Committee to personally gain an in-depth understanding of the major inventions of the Chinese people and organize experts and authoritative doctors to carry out evaluation and certification. and then openly transfer the technology to countries around the world for the benefit of people all over the world.

Because the experimental conclusion of "Lin's 6 quilt experimental cabinet" is related to the well-being of all mankind, the prosperity of the whole society, and the major issue of whether the epidemic similar to COVID-19 will rage on human beings again.We sincerely hope that the authoritative doctors in charge of combating the epidemic in countries around the world and the World Health Organization under the United Nations can learn from the conclusions of this study and make more in-depth and accurate research and experimental reports, and make necessary corrections to the wrong decisions that have been implemented, or are still being implemented, or may be implemented again.

10. About the definition of true and false awards

Dialectical materialism believes that awards (including MEDALS, trophies, badges and glorious titles, etc.) are the source of motivation to encourage the recipient to continue to work hard. As long as the description of its connotation is consistent with the image, morality, quality and struggle process of the recipient, the award is "well deserved, deserving and valuable" no matter what the cost is.

If the connotation of a reward description is contrary to the image, morality, quality and struggle of the person to be commended, the goal and direction of the reward encouragement will be wrong, then no matter how high the gold content of the reward, no matter how prominent the right and position of the awarding person, it is "false, guilty, worthless, harmful to society".

Concluding Remarks

Today THE FIFTH Affiliated Hospital of SUN Yat-sen University neurology chief doctor suggested that I should be immediately hospitalized for treatment, the reason is because I use the brain too much, has caused serious brain atrophy, the body standing has been tilted, and the memory function has been seriously declined, has "cerebral hemorrhage" (stroke) suspicion.I judge that I am unable to continue to carry out more research, my major discoveries and inventions should be summarized here.Therefore, the basic theory and practical methods of "avoiding the recurrence of COVID-19 for all mankind" should be revealed to society:

He is willing to openly transfer his proprietary technology to all mankind, and is willing to dedicate this paper to the supreme leaders of all countries, authoritative doctors in charge of fighting against the epidemic, and people of all countries in the world.

Attachment: LAM,CHEONGKIN has won the certificate of award, medal and certificate


